Who we are
Polycom Polybodegas belongs to an industrial Group established for over 33 years in Costa Rica and a diversified portfolio of projects in various sectors of the economy with both local and international operations.
Polybodegas in particular is a solution to the lack of storage space, providing you with a flexible, economical and appropriate service to your storage needs.
Polybodegas was founded as an initiative to meet the growing needs of persons and companies who require a place to store goods or belongings that as a result of the lack of space have become limit ants in their business or daily life.
It is for these reasons that Polybodegas presents an efficient and economical solution, with convenient facilities to store your goods.
To assist and provide useful alternatives in optimizing, organizing and improving the use of storage space, usually limited and expensive, in their homes, jobs and businesses.
Our main interest is to cater our customers to a reasonable alternative regarding their storage needs in inventories, assets and belongings of non frequent use. By providing a low-cost alternative, easy access and comfortable facilities.
We offer a differentiated service characterized by excellence, business integrity and top quality customer service.
To our shareholders we offer an adequate return on investment, all our members are constantly being trained and updated, based on a stable organization and a decent and highly professional motivational environment.
Our company is committed to the environment and applies a focus on social responsibility towards society and the communities in which we operate and develop our business.
To assist our customers in providing a facility that integrates comfort, peace of mind and happiness simply by giving them the very best option for short and long term storage space, on inventories and belongings of low use or slow turnover, which in turn generally represent clutter, hidden costs and difficulties to grow both personally and from a business standpoint.